Digital Solutions
in Entertainment

01   ⸻   iGaming
02   ⸻   NFT Gaming & Marketplaces
03   ⸻   Crypto Environment

The Livesoft Team re-invents both business and technology approaches to iGaming and relevant high-risk industries – such as crpyto-gaming, NFTs, play-to-earn – to deliver stunning solutions that change the paradigm of gambling to entertainment. Our users have transparency and will to interact so do our partners when it comes to doing business with us.

New Era

Most of our team members have been in the industry for too long to start seeing that the technologies evolved while the domain of iGaming and other relevant niches didn't catch up with the progress pace.

This is mostly explained by the regulatory aspects and existing operation models of this business. We beg to differ, for we are ready to take the risk to come to the new era of online gaming and bring our supporters along.

How we create
your products

Our team is a unique synergy of business and technical experts

who always base their solutions on data-driven research and check their hypotheses thoroughly prior to implementation. Such a sophisticated approach allows us to guarantee that the products we deliver are ahead of their time and, at the same time, are very simple for mass adoption, so that the users will not need to adapt through a long learning curve.

And when it comes to partnerships with enterprises and investors, we are second to none in transparency and clarity, so there is no way one would feel like walking in the dark while doing business with us.

your business
inside and outside
iGaming industry

What we
offer to

If you want your business to be expanded with iGaming mechanics or plan to handle integrations with our platform or its modules – this is the best solution we can offer you. Our business analysts will clarify your requirements and align them with our platform's capacities.

After that we handle all the development and integration routine and roll-out a solution, fulfilling your business needs to their most.

Team + Tech

Online casinos and NFTs, gamification of user performance and digital assets auctions – we are treating this as a means to interact with our platform and seize relevant audiences by providing the most exciting and thrilling user experience. Our knowledge in iGaming, math and fintech allows us to incorporate best industry standards and mechanics into our products to deliver amazing games and interaction interfaces.

David Skorikov

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

[email protected]

Yanqiu Wang

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

[email protected]

Phan Hai Phong

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

[email protected]

Tran Duc Trung

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

[email protected]

Vuong The Vu

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

[email protected]


02   ⸻   What makes us strong

Data-Driven Design


Micro-Service Architecture


Cloud-Based High-Redundant Network


End-to-End SDLC Process for Development and Delivery

Big picture

03   ⸻   Our bounless vision

Multi-Purpose iGaming Platform


Distributed Content-Management System


Built-in BI/CRM Solution


Secure Data Storage

Get in Touch

We would be happy to learn your business needs and start discussing our cooperating opportunities, so don't hesitate to submit your inquiries. Feel free to describe all crazy ideas you have since we are eager to keep the industry evolving!

[email protected]